Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

It is 2008 and I just read an essay called "Strangers in our father's house" by Dr. Laurence White. It goes over the history of the LC-MS and contains quotes by Walther and Pieper (among others) that promote and require that the Synod must reject false doctrine, poor teaching in all places if the Synod is to remain strong. Alas, looking around at the LC-MS, orthodoxy is a minority and error is allowed to "preserve the peace." I hear from a lot of orthodox, good Christian people that they are working to "change from the inside." After getting some more in depth understanding of where the Southeast district, and thus a portion of the Synod, sits, I think my response will be "So when was the last time you/your church rebuked error in the Synod?" True Christians cannot tolerate theological error any more than mathematicians can tolerate lax arithmetic and symbology. A church body should seek to remove error whenever it is found, even if it is within itself. Perfect churches don't exist, but pursuit of a true understanding of God's Word does. This should be the aim of the Synod and every sanctuary within it. This doesn't seem to be the case, but I will expound more on that at a later date, when more information is available.

May God bless your New Year.

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