Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sherpherds, Hirelings, and Wolves

This is a very short excerpt from "Sermons of Martin Luther" edited by Lenker, Vol 3-4 from the sermon for the Second Sunday after Easter focused on John 10:11-16.
There are three kinds of shepherds: good or true shepherds, hirelings, and wolves. Good shepherds are like the good Shepherd Christ, who tends the sheep, goes before them, cares for those that are sick, scabby, or have the snuffles; who does not flee when the wolves come, but "who giveth his life for the sheep," as Christ here in this Gospel describes. It is not enough that we preach correctly, which the hireling can also do; but we must watch over the sheep, that the wolves, false teachers, may not break in, and we must contend for the sheep against the wolves, with the Word of God, even to the sacrifice of our lives. Such are good shepherds, of whom few are found. ... This the hirelings do not; they care not for the sheep, they receive temporal wages, riches and honor, and feed themselves; yet they are good to a certain extent and Christ also preaches through them; but they are not true to the sheep.... This is clearly seen, when trouble comes, when the wolves break in there is no one who remains faithful to the sheep."
This is what I see in the LCMS and other church bodies. They are staffed by hirelings and not shepherds. True, shepherds are more rare. But the encouragement of hirelings over shepherds dooms a church body to eventual heresy and falling away. The Church is always under assault by wolves, and the hirelings do little to counter the wolves, running away from the "controversy." The reason doesn't matter, whether it is riches, pensions, or even not wanting to be inconvenienced. Ultimately it scatters the flock and subverts their office as specified by Christ. Take heed, then, that your shepherd is a true shepherd, and not a hireling just earning a paycheck.

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